Saturday, April 6, 2013

Follow your heart?

Age old advice to youngsters and old ppl alike.."follow your heart" and everything will be ok. Id like to explore this subject a bit, as someone who has never tried to live by it, I cant speak from experience that this is a good thing but I believe its an interesting statement.

So What is the human #heart?? According to what Ive learned over the past few years the human heart is a combination between the functions of the soul and one function of the human spirit. The human soul is -- our mind, emotion, and will. So our mental faculties mixed with our emotions and will make our soul = who we are! The /functions of the spirit however are - Fellowship, intuition and conscience. OK so we have the spirit and the soul, what's the heart? The heart is the conscience and the soul. Meaning the Mind, emotion, will and the conscience.

Wow, so when we are told through our culture and society to follow our heart it means we use our mind to think, rationalize, learn, remember from past mistakes, and ponder. But this is not enough, we have to go deeper than that. We have to check how we feel about it. If a certain thing makes us feell bad we follow that feeling and say no. Or on the other hand if it feels safe we go for it. Now to complete the process we exercise our will to choose it and go for it.. But wait, since were following our heart we cant end there. We have get our conscience involved. So here we are Our soul agrees and the thing does not give us a bad taste in our conscience and we know its right so we  have the go-ahead! We've now followed our heart.

Well we say that's not enough. Following the heart can still lead you astray can't it? What if your emotion is stronger than your mind's rationality? What if your will is weak and cant do it, even it feels good? Then we have a complication. There needs to be an addition to the process. How about the other functions of the spirit? Let's get the intuition and fellowship involved.

The intuition: According to is 
the "direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension."I think that's how we just know certain things as humans - let's leave it at that.
Fellowship: man's contact with God and with fellow man with our human spirit.  There we have it, the two more functions of the spirit involved and a more complete way, rather than following our heart.

The caveats:  Exercising our spirit is to join ourselves with God, whereby we have a flow of God's element into us. This requires the Spirit of God to first be inside of us, to allow the communication to happen. The Spirit is part of the Trinity of the Godhead: God the Father, Son and Spirit. Faith in the Lord is required for us to receive the Spirit. More specifically, believing in our heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. Furthermore proclaiming with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and calling upon His name. When any one does this he/her is regenerated, meaning GOD comes to live inside them.

Now that we are regenerated/saved we get baptized, at which point the Holy Spirit fills us and we are fully in God's kingdom. We are then led to love the Lord and depend on Him, at which point following our heart becomes pretty nulled out/besides the point.. we now follow the leading within our spirit, which is the Holy Spirit mingled with our spirit, God in man, man in God, wonderful mingled regeneration.

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